Newsletter 23 June 2013

Newsletter 23 June 2013



Around this time every year, a collection is taken up for the needs of the diocese. You always give very generously to this collection and I take the opportunity to thank you sincerely for this generosity. The contributions you have made over the years are so important for the effective running of the diocese. Some of the services offered by the diocese and in need of funding are Accord, Family Ministry, CURA, St John’s Pastoral Centre, Child Safeguarding, Bishops Conference and a small part is sent to Pope Francis for the wider church. These services, which are so important for the welfare of our people, need funding and depend so much on your generosity. I am conscious that this is a very difficult time as all of us feel the effects of the recession. I know you will be as generous as you can. The collection will be taken up on Saturday 29th and Sunday June 30th and every contribution is welcome. Finally, I am very grateful to you, my dear people of Waterford and Lismore, for your many acts of kindness and generosity each year. Mass is offered weekly for the benefactors of the diocese, living and deceased. And we remember you gratefully in our prayers. May the Lord bless you and your families always. My kindest regards, Bishop William Lee. This collection will take place next weekend at all Masses