Ordination of Rev Shane O’Neill 19 July 2015


On Sunday 19 July, Rev. Shane O’Neill, who has been studying for the priesthood for the last six years will be ordained a priest for the diocese of Waterford and Lismore in his home parish of Knockanore.


This is of course a cause of great celebration and delight especially for so many of us here who were blessed to have Shane among us two years ago as part of his studies and pastoral experience training.


Due to the limited space in the parish of Knockanore, the Ordination in the church will be relayed to the school next door where people may wish to go, or indeed to the First Mass of Thanksgiving which takes place on Monday evening 20 July.


Fr Shane will be in Holy Cross Tramore, on Thursday 23 July to Celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at 7.30pm for all the parishioners who got to know Shane so well in his time here. Everyone is welcome and Shane will give the traditional ‘first blessings’ after the Mass.


We wish Shane every good wish and blessing in these final weeks of prayerful preparation towards his journey to priesthood.