Christmas Mass 2020

Christmas Masses 2020 – Booking Essential

This year, because of the Covid restrictions, we will have to use a booking system for people attending our Christmas Mass. This is happening all throughout the diocese, as a way of helping to regulate the large numbers attending. We have only limited seating in the church, so entry to all Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be by ticket only. Booking will begin on Monday (tomorrow) morning, after the 10am Mass, and will continue on all weekdays from then up to Christmas. Tickets will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis, with one ticket per household. You can book by visiting the parish office and collecting your ticket in person, from Monday 7th December onwards. Bookings will also be taken at weekends after Masses to facilitate those who are working during the week. To help as many as possible to have a place, we will have an extra Mass this year, at 7pm on Christmas Eve, in addition to the usual vigil at 9pm. We thank all our volunteers who are helping us to prepare for our Christmas Masses. We also encourage those who are housebound, to join us on our live-stream, or on our parish radio, at 105.4fm.