First Holy Communion 2020
As the restrictions are gradually easing it is now possible to provide you with provisional dates for the celebration of First Holy Communion.As certain restrictions with regard to physical distancing are likely to be still in place, it will only be possible to admit the children themselves & their immediate family into the church on the day.
Reflection for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The good, the bad, and the treasure
Jesus takes the ordinary for his story asking what you would re¬ally want never to lose/ asking what your treasure is. Is it money, reputation, locality? I gave up a better job but had time for the family and for love’; words of a young father. We know that parents give up a lot for their children; as do grandparents/ godparents and others. As people we look for what’s most important in life: the love of God; deep and enduring friendships/ success after hard work in school/ commitment to the poor – what can¬not be lost and what is worth sacrificing other good things for.
Life is a mixture of the good and the bad. There is an old Dublin saying: ‘There’s good in the worst of us and bad in the best of us. We work for God with the strengths and weaknesses of all we work with. God sows the seed of the gospel in good and bad soil; it bears fruit in its own way wherever it is sown. The treasure is in our people. So much hidden generosity comes out at bad times – floods, power cuts, illness and death. We need always to find the hidden treasures in our own people and even in our history. The kingdom of God is close, near and is within us.Think of what you really value in life. Take time.
Give thanks to God for what brings deep joy in life.Thy Kingdom Come, Lord Jesus.Fr Donal Neary, S.J
Community Employment
Would you like to work in the community?, positions are always coming up on the Tramore Community Employment Scheme in a number of Community and Voluntary groups across the town. For more information please contact or ring 085 875 0343
Online Children’s Catholic Summer Camp
for children aged 5-12yrs
This summer, Holy Family Mission is proud to host Campa Mhuire Mhathair, an online Catholic Faith Camp, from 27th – 30th July 2020.
All links and resources for Campa Mhuire Mhathair will be available at
Weekly Contribution Envelopes
There are still some weekly contribution boxes of envelopes for 2020/2021 that have not been collected from the Parish Office.
We would greatly appreciate it if you can collect yours.For anyone who have not used the envelopes in the past and would like to use them going forward, please drop in to the office and we will be happy to organize a box for you