Newsletter 11th September 2022

What in this weeks newsletter?

  • Reflection for 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
  • Parish Feast Day
  • Season Of Creation
  • Bishop Cullinan’s response to the National Synthesis Document
  • Recent deaths and anniversaries in our parish
Click Here to Download the Newsletter

Holy Cross Parish Mass Times

Holy Cross Tramore

Saturday 10am &
7.30pm (Vigil)
8.30am, 10.30am and
12 noon
Monday – Thursday
Friday-7.30am & 10.00am

Saturday 10.30am & 7pm and upon Request

Mondays after 10am Mass

Thursday after 10am Mass until 5pm
Church closes at 4pm Monday – Wednesday and Friday & 5pm Thursday

Our Lady’s Carbally
Sunday at 11.00am

Church of the Immaculate Conception Fenor
Saturday Vigil at 6pm
Tuesday & Wednesday 9am

Sacred Heart Dunhill
Sunday at 9.30am
Thursday & Friday 9am


Holy Cross Church-Live Streaming

Live Streaming Service is in operation, where you may join us for Tramore Parish Services online from Holy Cross Church.
Log in to the parish website Click on “Live Stream” on the homepage when the services are on.

Tramore Parish Radio Services

Tramore Parish Radio Services are broadcast from Holy Cross Church, Tramore at from Monday to Sat and 10.30am on Sunday on your radio 105.4FM. (It may be tuned in only when service is on.


CCTV/Live Stream

Please be aware that for the protection and security of all, CCTV Cameras are in operation in Holy Cross Church. All Masses are live streamed and broadcast over the internet.



We strongly recommended, that parishioners continue to wear face covering and sanitise their hands upon entry and leaving the church.


Donate Facility

We have an online donate facility on our parish website:, where you can make your Sunday offering to the parish.
Please quote your envelope number, if applicable, when you make your donation. All contributions are gratefully received, and we thank you in advance for your generosity.




CCTV/Live Stream
Please be aware that for the protection and security of all, CCTV Cameras are in operation in Holy Cross Church. All Masses are live streamed and broadcast over the internet


Parish Feast Day- Wednesday, 14th September

Wednesday next is the Feastday of the Exaltation of the Cross. –
The Feastday of the Parish of Tramore and Carbally.
Mass will be celebrated in Holy Cross at 10am.



Priests Retirement Collection will take place at all Masses next weekend. We thank you for your continued support.




Sunday, September 11th 10am-6pm
The Rhu Glen Hotel
Slieverue, Co. Kilkenny
Tel 051-832242

Speaker Fr. Pat Collins

A Conference Open to All
Praise, Music, Scripture, Sharing, Teaching, Healing Service
Mass at 12 o’clock



Theology of the Body: Discovering God’s Master plan for your life! STUDY GROUP

Mondays 7.30 – 9pm, September 12 – November 14
Prayer, DVD, Discussion, Tea/Coffee
Theology of the body provides a lens through which to view the whole mystery of human life. If you have a body this theology is for you!
Venue: Foyer of Charity, Dunmore East, Waterford, X91 FC65
Registration Essential: Helen 086 1678027 /



Bishop Cullinan’s response to the National Synthesis Document can be viewed on the Diocesan website:

The Season of Creation

The Season of Creation has a special significance for the Catholic Church, particularly since Pope Francis established 1 September as an annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. The Season of Creation is marked throughout the Christian world from 1 September to 4 October (Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi) and celebrates the joy of creation as well as encouraging awareness-raising initiatives to protect the natural environment.
Resources can be found on:


“The Chosen: Season 2” – 9 Week Zoom Series

“The Chosen: Season 2” – 9 Week Zoom Series, brought to you by the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore.
“Created outside of the Hollywood system, The Chosen allows us to see Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him. No matter where you are at in your journey with Jesus Christ, this show is for you.”
Join us online for an episode of Season 2 of the acclaimed series, and discussion afterwards.
If you can’t join every week, come along whenever you can! Tuesdays 4th October– 29th Nov 8. 9.15pm.
Registration is essential: Email / call 087 4042784
for more information


Parish Office

The Parish office is now open to the public with entry restricted. Please knock on the door and we will be happy to help you.

Next week opening times:

Mon to Thursday : 9.30am-1pm

Friday 9.30am – 12.30pm



The Mass booking in Holy Cross has changed from 6 months in advance to 3 months going forward.
The December Mass Book is now open.


Baptism Booking/Wedding Church Booking
Please contact the office for further details 051-386477


Recent Deaths

Please remember those who died recently, Thomas O’Rourke, John Kiely, Patrick Dunne, Jack De Bromhed, Bridget (Bridie) Wade née Ryan

We remember the months mind for Thomas Brady, Kathleen Weir, Paul Cummins

We pray for  Henry Matthews, Peter Daly, Thomas Keogh, Bridget & Seamus O’Shea , Mary Prendergast  whose anniversaries occur about this time



We pray for those who mourn, immerse them in your love and lead them through this darkness into your arms and light.
For those who comfort, be in both the words they use and all that’s left unspoken;
Fill each heart with love.

Reflection for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

No accidents of birth
The lost coin was a precious coin to the lady in question in the gospel. The coin would have been part of her dowry which with the other nine coins would have been made into a crown she wore on her head. So all could see now that her crown was flawed and a bit of mockery and fun might follow. Jesus knew when he told the story that it would reach the heart.
He would also know that people might make the connection – as every coin was essential to the crown, so we are all valued and essential to God. There are no accidents of birth, and nobody excluded from the promise of life forever with God.

The woman would go to great efforts to find the lost coin. Jesus went to great efforts to save each of us, even to crucifixion and death. We are worth the death of God, and are now the joy of God’s life, like a child to a parent, and like the joy of friends to each other.
Even the first reading has God loving his people with heartfelt love. He is angry with them for a while but this anger is mixed with love and his love wins in the end. ,
The love of God is an active love, reaching to us in mercy and forgiveness always building us up. This searching for all his people in mercy is the most characteristic quality of God, if we can put it so humanly. We are all children – on each birth and baptismal certificate, we can write a second father’s name – God!
Father, create us anew each day in Jesus, your Son.
Donal Neary S.J.