What in this weeks newsletter?
- Reflection for 32nd Sunday Sunday in Ordinary Time.
- The Chosen
- Carbally Novena
- Remembrance Mass
- Recent deaths and anniversaries in our parish
Holy Cross Parish Mass Times
Holy Cross Tramore
Saturday 10am &
7.30pm (Vigil)
8.30am, 10.30am and
12 noon
Monday – Thursday 10.00am
Friday-7.30am & 10.00am
Saturday 10.30am & 7pm and upon Request
Mondays after 10am Mass
Tuesday after 10am Mass
Wednesday at 3pm.
Thursday after 10am Mass until 5pm
Church closes at 4pm Monday – Wednesday and Friday & 5pm Thursday
Our Lady’s Church Carbally
Sunday at 11.00am
Church of the Immaculate Conception Fenor
Saturday Vigil at 6pm
Tuesday & Wednesday at 9am
Sacred Heart Church Dunhill
Sunday at 9.30am
Thursday & Friday at 9am
Holy Cross Church-Live Streaming
Live Streaming facility is in operation, where you may join us for Tramore Parish Services online from Holy Cross Church.
Log in to the parish website www.tramoreparish.ie Click on “Live Stream” on the homepage when the services are on.
Tramore Parish Radio
Services are broadcast from Holy Cross Church, Tramore at 10.am from Monday to Sat,7.30pm Sat evening, 8.30am, 10.30am & 12 noon on Sunday on your radio 105.4FM. (It may be tuned in only when service is on.
CCTV/Live Stream
Please be aware that for the protection and security of all, CCTV Cameras are in operation in Holy Cross Church. All Masses are live streamed and broadcast over the internet.
Parish Face book Page
We would like to welcome you to the our Parish Facebook page-
Parish of Tramore & Carbally You may also access on parish website:www.tramoreparish.ie
This will allow us to share Parish information, news, prayers and reflections with you all. Please LIKE and SHARE with your family and friends.
We strongly recommended, that parishioners continue to sanitize their hands upon entry and leaving the church.
Donate Facility
We have an online donate facility on our parish website: www.tramoreparish.ie, where you can make your Sunday offering to the parish.
Please quote your envelope number, if applicable, when you make your donation. All contributions are gratefully received, and we thank you in advance for your generosity.
Novena in Carbally from Monday 20th to Friday 24th at 7.30pm
Envelopes will be available in the church. Please hand them in to the sacristy.
For security reasons please do not leave the envelopes anywhere else.
Thank You
Holy Souls Novena text may be downloaded from the following link:Holy Souls Novena
Remembrance Mass
The Remembrance Mass for all who died in our parishes in the past twelve months takes place in Carbally on Friday Nov 24th at 7.30pm and in
Tramore on Thursday 30th Nov at 7.30 pm
This Mass allows anyone who has lost a loved one, either recently or over the years, to come and remember them and to light a candle for them in front of the altar in this the month of the Holy Souls. (Candles will be provided)
If you would like anyone remembered, please give the name in to the parish office 051-386477
‘The Chosen’
Last Monday evening, we held our first gathering of ‘The Chosen’.
It was a wonderful evening, with over thirty people present. All there enjoyed an episode of ‘The Chosen’, based on the life of Christ, and a great discussion followed.
Our next evening with ‘The Chosen’ will be held on December 4th, 2023, beginning at 7.30pm, in Glór Na Mara School Hall.
We will look at an episode depicting the Wedding Feast of Cana and we will have an opportunity to reflect together about the role of Our Lady in our lives, and in the world.
Please do consider joining us, and bring a friend!
Thank You.
A big thank you to all who attended the Rosary at the Grotto, during the month of October! To those who prayed, sang and lead the prayers and especially those who prepared the grounds beforehand. Mass has been offered for your intentions.
Day Retreat at Glencomeragh House
Saturday 25th November, 10:30am – concluding with Mass at 3pm. Refreshments, reflection on the Word of God, Talk, Healing service, Lunch, Candle Service and Mass.
Contact Mary (085)2697779 or Pat (085)2680396
Take the Risk for Christ: Come and See
Sat 18th – Sunday 19th Nov. St. Patrick’s College Maynooth. For Further Info please email: info@vocations.ie / contact your local Diocesan Vocations Director. Please note that this weekend is only open to those who are currently known to their Diocesan Vocations Director and are actively discerning a vocation to the priesthood.
Youth 2000 Christmas Retreat
Newbridge College, Co. Kildare. 8th – 10th December.
For 16 – 35 year old’s. Donation only. Great talks, music, prayer and an opportunity to meet young Catholics from all over Ireland. More info on www.youth2000.ie
Advent – Transforming Power of Love
On Thursday 30th November St John Pastoral Centre @ 7.30pm, Antoinette Dilworth rsj will lead an Advent Reflection entitled ‘Transforming Power of Love’. All are welcome. Advent – Transforming Power of Love | Diocese of Waterford & Lismore (waterfordlismore.ie)
Legion of Mary
Mary Mother of God’s people Praesidium
CARLO ACUTIS (Web missionary)
ST John’s Church Waterford (Jim Grant Room)
Light refreshments served
All are welcome
Proclaiming God’s Word: A Time to Reflect
St Mary’s Abbey, Glencairn. Sat 25th November 10am – 1pm. Facilitated by Mother Marie Fahy, Abbess, Glencairn Abbey. A Morning of reflection for Ministers of the Word as we prepare for Advent and Christmas.To book call 051874199 or email marydee@waterfordlismore.ie
Spaces are limited.
LECTIO DIVINA (with the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Tuesdays 2:30 – 4pm St John’s Pastoral Centre, John’s Hill. Thursdays 7:30 – 9pm, Sacred Heart Convent, Newtown Road. Gathering to read and pray with the Sunday Gospel, followed by tea and a chat!
A Catholic Charismatic Outreach Movement to enable people to encounter the personal love of God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Zoom on Wednesday with companionship, music, sharing, prayer, the odd funny story, Sacred Scripture and adoration. Zoom ID:86141473152/Password:fire/Wednesdays 8 to 9.15p.m.
St. Anthony’s Novena and Blessing with the Relic of St. Anthony will be held on Tuesdays in the Cathedral after 10.30am Mass.
(with Sacrament of the Sick)
Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity on the Second Saturday of every month, beginning at 3pm and will include the Anointing of the Sick, Confession, and time for individual prayer and blessing..
HEALING SERVICE – Holy Family Church
Last Saturday of every month in Holy Family Church, Luke Wadding Street, Waterford. Begins at 11am. Eucharistic Adoration, Anointing and Benediction. Individual Prayer offered by Parish Prayer Team.
Men’s Prayer Group (Home of the Mother)
St. Saviour’s Church, Bridge Street, Waterford City.
Every Wednesday evening, starts at 7pm:
Exposition, Benediction, Faith Formation and Group Sharing.
Led by the Servant Priests of the Home of the Mother
Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese
Spend time in the True Presence of Jesus. For a list of locations and times for Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese checkout https://waterfordlismore.ie/eucharistic-adoration/
Every Tuesday at 7pm, in St. Saviour’s Church, Bridge Street, Waterford City led by the Servant Priests and Brothers and Servant Sisters. Adoration at 6.30pm. Each week we will reflect and chat about different topics that will help us deepen our knowledge of the Catholic faith and live our Christian lives to the full! All are welcome.
Popes Monthly Intention for November
For the pope
We pray for the Holy Father as he fulfils his mission, may he continue to accompany the flock entrusted to him with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Parish Office
Mass Booking
The Mass Book for February 2024 is now open at the Parish Office.
Next week’s opening Times:
Monday Thursday 9.30am – 4pm
Fri: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Contact: 051-386477
Baptism Booking
Please contact the office for further details 051-386477
Wedding- Church Booking
Please contact the office 051-386477
Lost property
If you have lost reading glasses or sunglasses gloves recently or in the past number of months please call to the parish office where we have numerous items that we would like to unite with their owners.
Church Ground Parking
If you are a holder of a parking permit to park on the church grounds while attending Mass, we kindly ask you to contact the Parish office to have your permit renewed if you wish to continue parking on the church grounds at Mass times from January 2024
Recent Deaths
Please remember those who died recently, John Heffernan
We remember the months mind for Joan Hannigan
We pray for Philomena Feighery & Culliton family, Frank Dineen, Bill Aughney, Laurence & Alicia Clooney ,Larry Kelly (Birthday Remembrance),Rickie Hannigan, Angela Hannigan, Jim Murphy, Eily Smith, Breda Hennessy ,Kate Walsh whose anniversaries occur about this time. Birthday remembrance Larry Kelly
We pray for those who mourn, immerse them in your love and lead them through this darkness into your arms and light.
For those who comfort, be in both the words they use and all that’s left unspoken;
Fill each heart with love.
Reflection for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus always new!
The lamp is the light of love and hope, and at its centre is the light of Christ. The light is given to us in many ways in our lives – it shines within as an eternal joy, and outwards to many others. Jesus often advises, ‘keep your lamps burning’ and ‘Let you lights shine.
Like when the bulb goes out when the electricity fails, the lamp can go out without oil. The people of the gospel felt foolish that they had not brought oil with them to light their way. The oil is prayer an our relationship with Jesus. This is the essence of the Christian life. Our Christian life is following a real, loving person: it is an invitation to get to know Jesus, and to find ourselves drawn from our hearts to follow him. Without this living relationship with Christ, words sound empty. We sometimes hear someone speaking of their Christian faith and cannot help wondering if it comes from the inside or is just a list of things to be believed and read.
Ignatius of Loyola’s famous prayer is the prayer of the follower of Jesus; ‘Lord, teach me to know you more, love you more and serve you more faithfully in my life.’ (Spiritual Exercises). The more indicates that this is never a finished product: like love and friendship it grows in our lives. It is exciting that Jesus is never gone from us.: risen from the dead he is always alive, always new. Our reading of the gospel, our sharing at Mass and the sacraments and our personal prayer keep this relationship always alive, always new.
Thinking of a bright lamp, or imagining one,
ask for an ever-brightening light of Christ in your life.
Lord, teach me to know, love and serve you more faithfully every day
Donal Neary SJ