Newsletter 13th October 2024

What in this weeks newsletter?

  • Reflection for 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Mission Sunday
  • Holy Souls Novena
  • Mass Of Remembrance
  • Faith @Home Activities for Children
  • Recent deaths and anniversaries in our parish
Click Here to Download the Newsletter


Reflection for 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Real Riches
The preacher had placed a mirror at the end of the church. He asked everyone to look in it and at the edge of the mirror was written, ‘this is your greatest treasure’. The rich man in the gospel thought treasure was in wealth, and this made him sad. The wisdom of Jesus is that wealth not the final happiness. Our biggest treasure is inside ourselves – each of us made in the image of God, by love and for love
Does our culture today value the dignity of each person and the treasure that each person is? It’s good to have a good house – but sad that it takes up so much energy and expense. Does our hospital care for the elderly and many others value the dignity and the treasure that each person is? Can we go into A & E and say all these people are treasures or just trolley holders? We still have schools and buildings which are substandard for our children.
In any parish the best gift of God to the parish is its people, like in a school or any institution which gathers people together. The rush of life and a general self-centredness can take the focus off the essential in communities and in people. The gospel today asks us to look in the right place for our true wealth and riches – in our giving of time and self to others in the sort of relationships of love which value the worth and dignity of all.
I picture people I know and give thanks to God for each of them
Let your face shine on us O Lord,
that we may see your reflection in each other.
Donal Neary SJ



World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal for spiritual and financial support so that the life-giving work of overseas mission and missionaries can continue. It always falls on the second last Sunday in October, meaning this year it will be celebrated over the weekend of Sunday 20th October.
A second Collection will be taken at all Masses over the weekend.



Our Novena for the Holy Souls begins at Holy Cross, Tramore on Monday 4th November at the 10.00am Mass and continues until Tuesday 12th November at all Masses.

Novena begins in Our Lady’s Carbally from Monday11th to Friday 15th at 7.30pm

(All deceased relatives and friends are prayed for at every Mass for the duration of the Novena.

Envelopes will be available in the porches. Please hand them in to the sacristy, parish office or put into the boxes by the sanctuary.

For security reasons please do not leave the envelopes anywhere else.
Thank You.


Remembrance Mass

The Remembrance Mass for all who died in our parishes in the past twelve months takes place in Carbally on Friday Nov 15th at 7.30pm and in Tramore on Thursday 28th Nov at 7.30 pm
This Mass allows anyone who has lost a loved one, either recently or over the years, to come and remember them and to light a candle for them in front of the altar in this the month of the Holy Souls. (Candles will be provided)
If you would like anyone who passed away in the last 12 months remembered, please give the name in to the parish office 051-386477.


Faith@Home Activities for Children.

‘Let’s Dive In’ Activity Sheet available in the porches
Parents, please take one home for your child/children or Grandparents please feel free to take one for your grandchild or grandchildren. Further resources for Children on Diocesan website:

Parish Website

You may have noticed, there is an additional page added to our Parish website: “Gospel & Reflection” which features the Sunday Gospel every weekend.
On this page also there is a Reflection on the Gospel each week, written by Fr


Lectio Divina

Running from September to December & From mid January to June at the Sacred Heart Cedar Lodge , Newtown Rd, Waterford

Tuesdays 2.30-4.00pm

Thursdays 7.30-9.00pm

Contact Sr Kathryn 087-4042784

Lectio Divina: Waterford City | Diocese of Waterford & Lismore (


A Catholic Charismatic Outreach Movement to enable people to encounter the personal love of God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Zoom on Wednesday with companionship, music, sharing, prayer, the odd funny story, Sacred Scripture and adoration. Zoom ID: 86141473152 / Password: fire / Wednesdays 8 to 9.15pm


Sacred Heart Church, The Folly, Waterford City. Every Friday: 3 – 3.45pm.
Mass every first Friday at 3pm


HEALING SERVICE, Holy Family Parish Church

Last Saturday of every month in Holy Family Church, Luke Wadding Street, Waterford. Begins at 11am. Eucharistic Adoration, Anointing and Benediction. Individual Prayer offered by Parish Prayer Team.

Monthly HEALING CEREMONY (with Sacrament of the Sick) Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity on the Second Saturday of every month, beginning at 3pm and will include the Anointing of the Sick, Confession, and time for individual prayer and blessing


Parish Office Opening Hours For Next Week

Mon – Thursday 9.30am – 1pm & Friday 9.30am-12.30pm.

Home of the Mother Formation Evenings for Adults
Every Tuesday at 7:00 pm, in St. Saviour’s Church, Bridge Street, Waterford City led by the Servant Priests and Brothers and Servant Sisters. Adoration at 6.30pm.
Each week we will reflect and chat about different topics that will help us deepen our knowledge of the Catholic faith and live our Christian lives to the full!
All are welcome.

Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese

Spend time in the True Presence of Jesus. For a list of locations and times for Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese check out | Eucharistic Adoration

ST ANTHONY’S NOVENA Waterford Novena and Blessing with the Relic of St. Anthony will be held on Tuesdays in the Cathedral after 10.30am Mass


Pope’s Monthly Intention for October

For a Shared Mission
Pope Francis asks for prayers so that the Church “continues to support a synodal way of life, under the sign of co-responsibility, promoting participation, communion, and shared mission among priests, religious, and laypeople.”


Rosary at Marian Grotto

Rosary at Marian Grotto, Marian Terrace for October every day  at 3pm. All are welcome.


Insights into Dementia

Insights into Dementia – Informing and Empowering Family Carers
Are you contributing to the care of someone with dementia? Perhaps you provide regular, informal care for a parent, spouse, neighbour, or friend? If so, you are a family carer. The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is running a short course soon in the Viking Hotel, Waterford. Topics include – Understanding Dementia, Communication, Personal Care, Safety in the Home, Changes in Behaviour, Food & Nutrition, and the Caring Role. For more information and an application form, please email or phone 1800 341 341.
The course runs for one evening per week, 7pm – 9.30 pm, for 7 weeks starting on Thursday 7th November until Thursday 19th December inclusive. Please note this course is only available to family carers.


Tramore ICA

Our next guild meeting is 16th of October, at 2 30 at Tramore House.
New members are welcome


Irish Conversation – Tramore’s Ciorcal Cómhra

The Ciorcal Cómhra (Irish conversation group) in Trá Mhór is meeting up once again after the summer break, in Tramore Library on Thursday evenings, from 7pm to 8pm. There is always a great atmosphere at this popular Ciorcal so if you would like to use your cúpla focail in a friendly chat, the Ciorcal is for you! It is saor in aisce and there is a warm céad mile failte awaiting all of those who come along, at all ages and all levels. For more details, please call Tramore Library on (051) 849 594 or of course, you can just turn up on the night!. Bígí linn!


Lourdes Invalid Fund Collection

This collection will take place before all Masses next weekend 19/20th October weekend.
The purpose of this collection to raise funds to send invalids from the community to Lourdes.
As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated.




Please remember those who died recently ,Ronan Travers, Mary Cleary née Cosgrave, John Cooney

We remember the months mind for James (Jimmy) Denton, Betty Sheehan née Fagan, Ilona Sloman, Andrew Smyth, Trina Ryan, Timothy Cleary

We pray for Margaret Peggy Murray, Cáit Daly, Peter Kiely, Jim Brophy Snr, James & Hannah Codd, Jimmy Power, Patrick McDonald, Thomas Kiely, Kitty Galvin, Nathan Drohan, Vera & Tom Egan, John Kiely whose  anniversaries occur about this time.

We pray for those who mourn, immerse them in your love and lead them through this darkness into your arms and light.
For those who comfort, be in both the words they use and all that’s left unspoken;
Fill each heart with love.

rest in peace Tramore Parish




Holy Cross Parish Mass Times & Services

Mass Times:
Saturday 10am & 7.30pm (Vigil)
Sunday 8.30am, 11am
Monday to  Friday 10.00am

Saturday 10.30am & 7pm and upon Request

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help:
Mondays after 10am Mass

Holy Face Devotion:
Tuesday after 10am Mass

The Divine Mercy Prayer Group:
Wednesday at 3pm.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:
Thursday after 10am Mass until 5pm

Church Closing Times:
Church closes at 4pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday and at 5pm Thursday


Our Lady’s Church, Carbally

Mass Times:
Sunday at 11.00am


Church of the Immaculate Conception, Fenor

Mass Times:
Saturday Vigil at 6pm
Tuesday  at 9am.


Sacred Heart Church, Dunhill

Mass Times:
Sunday at 9.30am
Wednesday at 9am


Holy Cross Church-Live Streaming

Live Streaming facility is in operation, where you may join us for Tramore Parish Services online from Holy Cross Church.
Log in to the parish website Click on “Live Stream” on the homepage when the services are on.

Tramore Parish Radio

Services are broadcast from Holy Cross Church, Tramore at from Monday to Sat,7.30pm Sat evening, 8.30am, 10.30am & 12 noon on Sunday on your radio 105.4FM. (It may be tuned in only when service is on.

CCTV/Live Stream

Please be aware that for the protection and security of all, CCTV Cameras are in operation in Holy Cross Church. All Masses are live streamed and broadcast over the internet.

Parish Facebook Page

CLICK HERE to open Facebook Page, where we share Parish information, news, prayers and reflections with you all. You may also access via the link on the very top of the page on the parish  Please LIKE and SHARE with your family and friends.

Donate Online

We have an online donate facility on our parish website:, where you can make your Sunday offering to the parish.

Please quote your envelope number, if applicable, when you make your donation. All contributions are gratefully received, and we thank you in advance for your generosity.

Parish Office Opening Hours

The parish office is usually open from 9am to 4 pm Monday -Thursday & 3.30pm on Friday. However, opening times may change temporarily, Please check the newsletter for updates.


We strongly recommended, that parishioners continue to sanitize their hands upon entry and leaving the church.

PRIEST ON DUTY – CALL 086-6004384


Tramore Parish, Waterford