Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Sunday April 14th
– 3 pm Outdoor Stations of the Cross in Anne Valley Dunhill
Monday April 15th
– Reconciliation Service with an opportunity to go to Confession in Holy Cross Church Tramore 7.30 pm
Thursday April 18th
– Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm in Holy Cross Tramore,
– Carbally, Adoration at altar of Repose in Tramore until 10 pm.
– Mass of Chrism in Holy Trinity Cathedral Waterford 11.00am (Please return your Trócaire box)
Friday April 19th – Day of fast and Abstinence
– Stations of the Cross in Holy Cross Tramore at 12 noon
– Celebration of the Lord’s Passion in Tramore at 3 pm
– Service of Readings & Prayers around the Cross, at 8pm in Tramore.
– Stations of the Cross Carbally Church at 7.30pm
(Collection for the Holy Places at all services)
Saturday April 20th
– 10.30am – 3 pm Confessions
– 9.00 pm Easter Vigil in Holy Cross Tramore
Easter Sunday April 21st
– Masses in Holy Cross Tramore 8.30am, 10.30am 12noon
– Mass in Carbally at 11.30am
Happy Easter to all our parishioners
Towards the cross
We know where Jesus is going to end up, and Jesus knows it too. At the beginning of today’s Mass, we hear of Jesus’ spectacular entry into Jerusalem. The crowds who greet him cry out and praise God – the King has come! It is similar to how victorious army generals were welcomed home. These people have set their hopes on Jesus. They are waiting for a Messiah and King, and have heard so much about this preacher – is he the one they’ve been waiting for?
But Jesus is not the hero they’ve been expecting. He has not come to raise up an army or become a great political leader. Quite the opposite: Jesus has come to Jerusalem to die. The story takes a dark and dramatic turn, and we are plunged into a tale of arrest, trial, torture and death. Before long, the crowds are shouting ‘Crucify him! Crucify him!’ and taunting him on the cross to ‘save himself if he is the Christ of God’. Jesus’ triumphant entrance into the city is also his entry into his betrayal, suffering, and death.
We play our part in the unfolding drama today, as we first hold up our palm branches and later join the crowds condemning Jesus. In his Palm Sunday homily to young people last year, Pope Francis said the changing reactions of the crowds ‘expresses the contradictory feelings that we too, the men and women of today, experience: the capacity for great love, but also for great hatred; the capacity for courageous self-sacrifice, but also the ability to ‘wash our hands’.’
Today we place ourselves in the Passion of Jesus, and we look to the Cross as our consolation and our challenge.
Tríona Doherty