Newsletter 23 December 2012

Newsletter 23 December 2012

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Christmas 2012


Christmas is the time when we reflect on the meaning of the coming of Jesus Christ into human history. The coming of Jesus takes place within the real and concrete events and lives of people who form part of human history. Jesus comes to us not by removing us out of earthly realities, but in the midst of a concrete and confused world. Jesus came not to an idealistic or idealised world, he came and comes with his saving message to our concrete  and confused world. It is in such a world that we are called to witness to the salvation offered to us by Jesus Christ.

Last month saw the fulfilment of a ten year dream for education in Tramore with  the beginning of the building work  of the new  Ard Scoil na Mara school. This is due to open its doors for students in September 2014. When completed this new school will be fitting memorial to the work begun in Stella Maris and the C.B..S. 

In the diocese we had the ordination of Fr. John Harris . A native of Kilmeaden, he has been appointed as a curate in  Dungarvan. Shane O’Neill a seminarian in Maynooth for the diocese has been doing his pastoral year in Tramore.  He tells me that while the assignment is tough he is coping well. He is the young man with the sandy hair and a great Irish blás.

The beginning of last April saw the completion of the building work on the roof and exterior of the church.  There was the further cost of electrical work that was completed in November.  We are most grateful in these austere times for the support financial and otherwise that we have received for the upkeep of Tramore and Carbally churches. The good news is that our financial thermometers will show progress by year end.

Finally we send greetings to every family in the parish. If you have family away from home extend our good wishes. If we have exiles back for Christmas you are especially welcome.

Just as you have brought the best out of us. I think Christmas brings out the best in all of us. It reminds us what our world could be like. That is why we pray that we will discover that joy and happiness may be ours even in times of recession.


Happy Christmas and many thanks from us all.


Mgr. Nicholas O’Mahony, Mgr. John Shine, Fr. Michael Toomey.