Reflection for 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time – Nothing but Jesus
We all need some statements like Peter’s that give a rock and a meaning to life, It gives us a clue of where we belong at deeper levels. We all need statements that express our faith in God. For Peter it was his faith in Jesus, the son of God. This would keep him going all of his life, even at times of unfaithfulness and dan¬ger. He could never forget that he had said, ‘you are the Christ, the son of the living God’.
We might wonder who or what is a living God for us? Where we might put our basic trust? What is it that, if taken away, we would be lost without? We can give our lives to family, country, a political party, money. Some of these are worth our trust and some not so much.
We need the rock that Peter found in Jesus. He was called rock only because of his relationship with Jesus Christ, the one who calls forth our faith and love and gives our lives a huge meaning.
If it’s not that, we have nothing but Jesus – if it’s that, we can inte¬grate all that is important in life within our trust in him. It is God who reveals Jesus to us.
We want to give this to our younger people ~ a rock they can stand on in life, which nothing can demolish. This is Jesus, and in him all is created.
Recall strong convictions in your life.
Ask that they may be strengthened.
Lord, be my rock, my stronghold, my safety.
Fr Donal Neary, S.J
Those who died recently; Ann Power née Butler
Those whose Months mind Occurs:Pat Sheehan,Lillian Delaney née Dooly,Conor Walsh,Madeline Finn
Those whose’ Anniversary Occurs: James Skinny Fanning,John Flanagan (Knockenduff),Bella Goodwin,Margaret Burke,Margaret Condon,Phyllis McEllroy
Those who were baptised recently:Finn Lindsay Hayes,Kayleigh Hannah Dore Coffey,Robert Cowman,Tadhg Cunningham
Congratulations to their parents and godparents.
Letter from Monsignor O’Mahony to the parents of the children receiving the sacraments in September
Dear Parents,
Greetings and every good wish. Here in Holy Cross Parish, we are all eagerly looking forward to our celebrations of First Holy Communion and Confirmation, which are fast approaching. To help you prepare your child
for these important milestones of faith, Holy Family Mission, based in Glencomeragh, in our diocese, have released a short series of videos for you and your child to watch and discuss. Holy Family Mission are a team of young adults andteachers who spend a year living in community, deepening their Catholic Faith, and engaging with young people through retreats, missions and talks.
I encourage you to use the videos below (links attached) as a resource and I am sure you will find them helpful for preparing you and your child for the sacraments. (The videos can be found at under the heading ‘Sacramental Prep’ or on Youtube) Here are the links to each video:
First Holy Communion:
1. Session One – Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
2. Session Two – Articles of the Mass
Session Three – Vestments & Vessels
4. Session Four – The Order of Mass on Your Communion Day
1. Session One – Pentecost & the Courage of the Apostles
2. Session Two – The Gifts of the Spirit
3. Session Three – The Fruits of the Spirit
4. Session Four – The Holy Spirit in my Life
5. Bonus Session (For Girls) – Known & Loved
6. Bonus Session (For Boys) – Men of Faith
Yours Sincerely,
Mgr. Nicholas O’Mahony P.P.