Newsletter 25th September 2022

What in this weeks newsletter?

  • Reflection for 25th  Sunday in Ordinary Time.
  • Welcome to Mark O’ Farrell
  • The Chosen Series 2
  • Recent deaths and anniversaries in our parish
  • Eucharistic & Adoration Retreat
  • Music in the Liturgy 
Click Here to Download the Newsletter

Holy Cross Parish Mass Times

Holy Cross Tramore

Saturday 10am &
7.30pm (Vigil)
8.30am, 10.30am and
12 noon
Monday – Thursday
Friday-7.30am & 10.00am

Saturday 10.30am & 7pm and upon Request

Mondays after 10am Mass

Thursday after 10am Mass until 5pm
Church closes at 4pm Monday – Wednesday and Friday & 5pm Thursday

Our Lady’s Carbally
Sunday at 11.00am

Church of the Immaculate Conception Fenor
Saturday Vigil at 6pm
Tuesday & Wednesday 9am

Sacred Heart Dunhill
Sunday at 9.30am
Thursday & Friday 9am


Holy Cross Church-Live Streaming

Live Streaming Service is in operation, where you may join us for Tramore Parish Services online from Holy Cross Church.
Log in to the parish website Click on “Live Stream” on the homepage when the services are on.

Tramore Parish Radio Services

Tramore Parish Radio Services are broadcast from Holy Cross Church, Tramore at from Monday to Sat and 10.30am on Sunday on your radio 105.4FM. (It may be tuned in only when service is on.


CCTV/Live Stream

Please be aware that for the protection and security of all, CCTV Cameras are in operation in Holy Cross Church. All Masses are live streamed and broadcast over the internet.



We strongly recommended, that parishioners continue to wear face covering and sanitise their hands upon entry and leaving the church.

Donate Facility

We have an online donate facility on our parish website:, where you can make your Sunday offering to the parish.
Please quote your envelope number, if applicable, when you make your donation. All contributions are gratefully received, and we thank you in advance for your generosity.




CCTV/Live Stream

Please be aware that for the protection and security of all, CCTV Cameras are in operation in Holy Cross Church. All Masses are live streamed and broadcast over the internet



Priests Retirement Collection will take place at all Masses this weekend. We thank you for your continued support.


Mark O’Farrell

We extend a very warm welcome to Mr. Mark O’Farrell to our Parish this weekend. Mark is a student for the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore and is in his final year of formation for the Priesthood. God willing, Mark will be ordained a Deacon over the next few months and then will be ordained a Priest next year. As part of his formation and preparation for ordination, Mark will be spending time among us getting an insight into parish life and ministry.
We wish Mark every blessing on this final, busy year for him and we hope that he will be happy among us during his time with us


Pope’s Monthly Prayer Intention September

Abolition of the Death Penalty
We pray that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country

Music in the liturgy workshop

Choir leaders and members are invited to attend a workshop. Sat 1st Oct from 10.30am to 1pm. St John’s Pastoral Centre, John’s Hill, Waterford
X91 HW9D
This workshop will be facilitated by Karen O’Donovan and Ciaran Coll. More details will follow in the coming weeks. Bookings may be made by contacting the Pastoral Centre on 051-874199 or emailing


Lectio Divina, hosted by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Lectio Divina is a time of reading the Sunday gospel, prayer and sharing, followed by conversation over a cuppa. As always, come whenever you can. Bring a friend. We look forward to sharing the Good News together.
Tuesdays, 2:30-4pm- St. John’s Pastoral Centre or Thursdays, 7:30-9pm- Sacred Heart Convent, Cedar Lodge (Newtown Rd.)
Starting from 13th September. Queries: Sr. Kathryn 087 404 2784.


Diocese of Waterford & Lismore Diocesan Eucharistic & Adoration Retreat

Beginning Sunday 2nd October,
St Mary’s Parish Church, Clonmel.
2pm, Rosary, Confessions,
2.15pm Retreat Talk, 2.45 Tea/Coffee,
3.15pm Silent Adoration,
4pm: Celebration of Holy Mass.
Donation: €10. All are welcome


The Chosen

“The Chosen: Season 2 In person Series
This is a beautiful series about the life of Jesus and his friends. We watch one episode, discuss, and pray together. Join us in St John’s Pastoral Centre, John’s Hill, Waterford for an episode of Season 2. Fri 7th Oct – 2nd Dec 2.30 – 4pm. RSVP Sr Kathryn 087 4042784 /



“The Chosen: Season 2” – 9 Week Zoom Series, brought to you by the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore.
“Created outside of the Hollywood system, The Chosen allows us to see Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him. No matter where you are at in your journey with Jesus Christ, this show is for you.”
Join us online for an episode of Season 2 of the acclaimed series, and discussion afterwards.
If you can’t join every week, come along whenever you can! Tuesdays 4th October– 29th Nov 8. 9.15pm.
Registration is essential: Email / call 087 4042784
for more information

Parish Office

The Parish office is now open to the public with entry restricted. Please knock on the door and we will be happy to help you.

From Monday 29th September-October 10th  the office is closed in the afternoons 

Next week opening times:

Mon to Thursday : 9.30am-1pm

Friday 9.30am – 12.30pm



The Mass booking in Holy Cross has changed from 6 months in advance to 3 months going forward.
Next Mass Book to open is for January on  October 3rd

Baptism Update
Please contact the office for further details 051-386477

Recent Deaths

Please remember those who died recently, Seóirse (Anthony) Lawton, Tramore & Waterford

We remember the months mind for  Terry Gazda Tramore/Maryland, Neil Skedd, Sheila Mulcahy, David Dineen, Caroline Butler, Anne Kennedy


We pray for John M. Power ,Patrick McGrath (1st Ann)Paddy Spencer Conor & Peggy Gilligan, Martin & Mary Bridget Kennedy, Agnes Kiely, Tommy Fleming, Maureen Feely, Patrick & Josephine O’Brien, (Market St) & son Patrick Edward (Ned) Walsh Liz Brett, Denis (Vetty) Power, Jimmy Leonard, Gerard & Annie Stubbs, Martin Roche :whose anniversaries occur about this time.

We pray for those who mourn, immerse them in your love and lead them through this darkness into your arms and light.
For those who comfort, be in both the words they use and all that’s left unspoken;
Fill each heart with love.




For those who were married recently:


Peter Cosgrave & Claire O’Donohue


We wish them every happiness in their married life together



Reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Faith in action: On fire with hope
This story of Jesus highlights the inequality of rich and poor. Jesus appeals to our sense of justice, right and goodness. There is no need for anyone to come back from the dead to warn us of this inequality. The doors between rich and poor can often be locked as were the doors between Dives and Lazarus. Those outside can only knock, protest and even break down doors. The doors must be opened from the inside.
This message of justice and hope for an equal share of the world’s goods for everyone is strong in the gospel of Jesus. His heart was on fire with the hope of a better life for the poor. He went to help them simply because they were poor.
The Christian Church, if it is to be faithful to the gospel, should be involved in many ways in the creation of a more just world. The Christian parish takes a special care for the refugee, the new poor, the unborn, the elderly, and in fact all whose voices may not be usually heard.
The parable is meant not to scare with images of punishment, but to make us as aware of the huge inequalities that exist in our world, and in the exploitation of resources in the developing world.
Maybe we can pray not to be tormented by any of the pains of this story, but be tormented into action by the hunger, poverty and injustices of our world. Maybe then more doors can be opened from the inside of wealth to the outside of poverty.
Lord, may we build with you a world of justice and peace.
Donal Neary S.J.


Migrant Sunday 25th September – Prayer for Migrants

Lord Jesus, when you multiplied the loaves and fishes, you provided more than food for the body, you offered us the gift of yourself, the gift which satisfies every hunger and quenches every thirst! Your disciples were filled with fear and doubt, but you poured out your love and compassion on the migrant crowd, welcoming them as brothers and sisters.
Lord Jesus, today you call us to welcome the members of God’s family who come to our land to escape oppression, poverty, persecution, violence, and war. Like your disciples, we too are filled with fear and doubt and even suspicion. We build barriers in our hearts and in our minds.
Lord Jesus, help us by your grace,
1. To banish fear from our hearts, that we may embrace each of your children as our own brother and sister;
2. To welcome migrants and refugees with joy and generosity, while responding to their many needs;
3. To realize that you call all people to your holy mountain to learn the ways of peace and justice;
4. To share of our abundance as you spread a banquet before us;
5. To give witness to your love for all people, as we celebrate the many gifts they bring.
We praise you and give you thanks for the family you have called together from so many people. We see in this human family a reflection of the divine unity of the one Most Holy Trinity in whom we make our prayer: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.