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Reflection for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Lord We Serve
Jesus said: “Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God”. We live in a world in which people are finding it increasingly difficult to make a full commitment to anything. This is probably the single most important reason for many of the social ills of our society. Jesus tells us that commitment is essential to human fulfilment, the kingdom of God. When a couple gets married they are looking ahead but tend quickly to look back to what each had and so set limits to their relationship. When a couple conceive a child they look forward to the birth. Then they begin to look back to the freedom they had beforehand and try to reclaim as much of that as possible. And in parish life many people want a full part in the future of the Church but are often unwilling to commit themselves to the work involved in ensuring its success.
Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.
Morning Prayer
Father in heaven, the light of Jesus
has scattered the darkness of hatred and sin.
Called to that light we ask for your guidance.
Form our lives in your truth, our hearts in your love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.