Newsletter 31 March 2019


We are delighted to welcome to our parish three religious sisters from the Sisters of Mary, Morning Star, which is a contemplative but non-cloistered community founded in France in 1983. The main motherhouse is in Spain. The community has about 250 members in over twenty priories worldwide.

Welcome to Our New Sisters!

The daily life of the sisters follows a similar pattern to other monastic orders. Their day consists of silence, prayer of the Divine Office and Eucharistic Adoration, manual labour, and biblical and theological study. They also engage in the making of various crafts and handiwork, such as wood carving, liturgical vestments, ceramics etc. They live simply, and rely on divine providence to provide for their needs, including the sale of their craftwork and receiving small donations.

The order receives its name from one of the traditional titles of Our Lady, ‘Morning Star’, which, being the first and brightest star to rise in the dawn, represents the victory of light over darkness, and the presence of Mary, who guides us to her Son in hope.

Here in Tramore we are fortunate to have three sisters of this community living among us. They are: Sr. Anastasis from the Netherlands, and Sr. Anceline and Sr. Elyette Marie who are both from France. Last week, they took up their residence on Priest’s Road, and will stay with us for the time being, until a larger house becomes available elsewhere in the diocese. In the meantime, we offer them our prayers and a heartfelt Christian welcome that they may feel at home and at ease among us .