FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS – Holy Cross Church Tramore.
Over the next three weekends the children from our other local schools will be making their First Holy Communion.
Saturday next 11 May at 11.00am we welcome the boys and girls from Holy Cross who are making their First Holy Communion. We also welcome their parents and families and all present with them on this, their special day.
Sat 18 May at 11.00am – The children from Gaelscoil Philib Barún,
Sat 25 May at 11.00am – The children from School Glór na Mara
We wish them every blessing at this important time in their lives.
Tired Disciples
Jesus spent time lighting the fire so he could cook breakfast on the seashore. Reminds me of my mother getting the fire ready in the old days so we could make toast with red embers on the long toasting fork. This is Jesus, the risen Jesus. No big apparitions in the sky, but just the simple act in the dawn of cooking bread and fish.
The meal was for tired disciples. Often in the gospel stories he talked about people preparing meals and serving them. He seemed to say a lot through meals and at meals. He allowed a woman dry his feet with her hair at a meal.
In cooking for people love is active. A mother might count up sometime how many meals she has cooked, and call them hours of love. This too is the mission and identity of Jesus.
After death and resurrection comes the Spirit of love. Love given, love received and love shared.
The breakfast meal will end with questions about love. Anything real about the resurrection always ends in being sent by God on the mission of Jesus. He gives little instruction about the mission nor even what it may entail. But it entails being led by God. Life for Jesus is life with Jesus and with the grace of God. We are never alone.
This is the company and the friendship at the source of the life of the soul, and which keeps our unique personality alive. This love comes in prayer and in love and in our loving service of others. This is mission with and for the risen Jesus Christ. Risen Lord, increase my faith, hope and love.
Donal Neary S.J.