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Heavenly Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
we thank you that you have hidden things from the learned and the clever
and revealed them to mere children;
yes, Father, that is what it has pleased you to do.
Lord, we always tend to form groups where we feel superior to others and listen only to one another,
– as a Church and as groups within the Church;
– within ethnic groups and social classes;
– within our families and communities.
We thank you for those precious moments when you break down the barriers we have set up,
surprising us by hiding things from us and revealing them to those we considered mere children: – someone we thought a sinner taught us true loyalty or love;
– a child we looked on as inferior said a word that brought peace to our family;
– young people accomplished something we adults had not been able to do;
– a group we had written off as unemployable organized themselves into a co-op.
At that moment you were calling us to poverty of spirit
whereby we recognize you as Lord of heaven and earth.
Lord, we pray that our Church may be a presence of Jesus in our country:
– always on the lookout for those who are looked down upon as mere children;
– grateful when you reveal things to them that have been hidden from the learned and the clever;
– and proclaiming your love to the world.
Michel de Verteuil