What in this weeks newsletter?
- Reflection The Baptism of the Lord
- Faith in the Home
- Alpha Programme
- Prayer for Vocations
- Recent deaths and anniversaries in our parish
- Parish Office
Holy Cross Church Services
Because of the re-imposition of the government restrictions, there will be no public masses in any of our churches until further notice.
The only exceptions are funerals and weddings, where there is only limited congregation allowed.
Masses will be streamed from Holy Cross church each week day at 10.00am, Sundays and Holy days at 10.30am.
Visit the parish website www.tramoreparish.ie Click on “Live Stream” on the homepage when the services are on.
For anyone who does not have access to online services:
Tramore Parish Radio Services are broadcast From Holy Cross Church, Tramore at 10.am from Monday to Sat and 10.30am on Sunday on your radio 105.4FM
The Church will be open for private prayer on Mon to Sat: 11.00am-4pm (except Thurs 11.00am -5pm), Sunday: 11.30am-4pm.
Faith @Home
Faith @ Home is a new resource for parishes that is designed to help parents and families
reflect on the upcoming Sunday readings. Every week families will be invited to Hear, Pray and Talk about the Word of God together in their homes with prompts and guidance. You may wish to make it available on your parish website and social media platforms.
Click Here for More Details
Interested in exploring the deeper meaning of life?’
– try Alpha Online starting Monday the 11th of January from 7 30- 9 pm The course runs for 11 weeks on Monday nights with an additional 12th session
To enrol please email tramoreparish@live.ie or contact Parish office in Holy Cross Church 051-386477
Baptism of the Lord January 10th 2021
Whenever there is a sudden downpour of rain, you often hear people saying ‘the heavens opened.’ The phrase is used about the baptism of Jesus in today’s gospel. Baptism does not remove us from the world. It saturates and soaks us in the muddied waters of every human need. As baptised people, we are embraced as God’s ‘beloved’ through his living Spirit.
Prayer for Vocations
That all those initiated by baptism to be followers of Christ may discern and live out the vocation to which Christ is calling them, we pray to the Lord.
Is the One who “baptized you with the Holy Spirit” asking you to consider a call to serve as a priest, a deacon or in the consecrated life? Speak to your local priest or your Diocesan Vocation’s Director, or email the National Vocations Office on info@vocations.ie
Parish Office
The Parish Office The Parish office is closed to the public due to Government Covid 19 restrictions but you may ring the office between 9.30 am-1pm Monday to Friday for any inquiries.
Contact : 051-386477
Mass Bookings
Mass Booking for the months of April, May & June have not opened due to the lockdown.
No booking will take place until further notice and when the restrictions are lifted
Recent Deaths
Please remember those who died recently, Michael Power,(Summerhill),Susan Boyle née O’Shaughnessy, William (Billy) Power (The Terrace Tramore/UK),Ann Flanagan (The Lane Knockenduff),Brian Coyle (Market Street), Ingrid Corcoran Clarinwood.
We remember the months mind for John Paul Gaffney
We pray for John Crowley, John Devlin, John & Bridie Kiely (Market St),Patrick Mulcahy, Pierce Dunne (1st Ann),Catherine Crowley, Tim Crowley, Jim Coughlan, William Gleason, Noel Burke, Tony Sheppard (1st Ann),Thomas & Eily O’Callaghan, Al O’Connor whose anniversaries occur about this time.
2nd Sunday of Christmas -The Baptism of the Lord
Come to the water
Today we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus, the moment when God reveals who Jesus is. Our readings are rich with water imagery. Water is a powerful symbol throughout the Scriptures, from the story of creation and the crossing of the Red Sea, to the wedding feast at Cana and Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well. It is a symbol of life and newness, an opportunity for God to reach out to us, be present with us and teach us something, as well as an opportunity for cleansing and a fresh start.
Our gospel today tells of Jesus being baptised by John in the river Jordan. This immersion in water marks the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. By approaching John for baptism, along with all the others, Jesus is identifying with the people and allowing himself to be counted among sinners. It is a sign that he submitting to God’s will. At this crucial moment, as soon as he emerges from the Jordan, Jesus sees the heavens open and the voice of God confirming him as ‘Beloved Son’. It is a moment of divine approval, confirming Jesus’ identity and launching him on his new mission.
The baptism of Jesus is a reminder of our own identity and mission. We are beloved daughters and sons of God, sisters and brothers of Jesus, members of God’s family. In today’s first reading we are invited: ‘Come to the water all you who are thirsty’. We are called to the water, to that moment when we recognise who Jesus is, who we are, and our mission to live as children of God.
‘In order to live a life of holiness, we must first receive new life from God — we must be born from above.’
J. Vernon McGee