Newsletter 15 December 2019

Advent in the Scriptures – Preparing our Hearts for Immanuel

Join Fr. Shane for three nights as he reflects on the key Scriptural passages of Advent, helping us to prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming and to truly appreciate all our God has done for us.
Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th, Friday 20th December 7.30pm in Fr. Shane’s house. All welcome – Just bring your Bible!

Holy Cross Carol Service

Featuring our local choirs and Musicians Tuesday December 17th at 7pm Sharp.

Carols for our Times 

8pm to 9pm with the Island of Ireland Peace Choir at the Edmund Rice Chapel, Barrack Street, Waterford on Friday 20th December 2019. All are welcome.

Service of Readings & Carols

In Christchurch Tramore on Dec. 15th at 3pm
All welcome