What in this weeks newsletter?
- Reflection for 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
- Five First Saturday Devotion
- Holy Family Mission Family Day
- Cherished
- Recent deaths and anniversaries in our parish
- Prayers for Cresslough
Holy Cross Parish Mass Times
Holy Cross Tramore
Saturday 10am &
7.30pm (Vigil)
8.30am, 10.30am and
12 noon
Monday – Thursday
Friday-7.30am & 10.00am
Saturday 10.30am & 7pm and upon Request
Mondays after 10am Mass
Thursday after 10am Mass until 5pm
Church closes at 4pm Monday – Wednesday and Friday & 5pm Thursday
Our Lady’s Carbally
Sunday at 11.00am
Church of the Immaculate Conception Fenor
Saturday Vigil at 6pm
Tuesday & Wednesday 9am
Sacred Heart Dunhill
Sunday at 9.30am
Thursday & Friday 9am
Holy Cross Church-Live Streaming
Live Streaming Service is in operation, where you may join us for Tramore Parish Services online from Holy Cross Church.
Log in to the parish website www.tramoreparish.ie Click on “Live Stream” on the homepage when the services are on.
Tramore Parish Radio Services
Tramore Parish Radio Services are broadcast from Holy Cross Church, Tramore at 10.am from Monday to Sat and 10.30am on Sunday on your radio 105.4FM. (It may be tuned in only when service is on.
CCTV/Live Stream
Please be aware that for the protection and security of all, CCTV Cameras are in operation in Holy Cross Church. All Masses are live streamed and broadcast over the internet.
We strongly recommended, that parishioners continue to wear face covering and sanitise their hands upon entry and leaving the church.
Donate Facility
We have an online donate facility on our parish website: www.tramoreparish.ie, where you can make your Sunday offering to the parish.
Please quote your envelope number, if applicable, when you make your donation. All contributions are gratefully received, and we thank you in advance for your generosity.
CCTV/Live Stream
Please be aware that for the protection and security of all, CCTV Cameras are in operation in Holy Cross Church. All Masses are live streamed and broadcast over the internet
Five First Saturday Devotion, at Holy Cross Church, Tramore.
Beginning Saturday 5th November 2022
9:30am Rosary,10am Mass,10:30-11am Confession
10:30-10:45am Silent Meditation on the mysteries of the rosary
10:45 Some short Fatima prayers.
One can attend for part, or all of the devotion. We will be running this devotion for the next five months.
Lectio Divina, hosted by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Lectio Divina is a time of reading the Sunday gospel, prayer and sharing, followed by conversation over a cuppa. As always, come whenever you can. Bring a friend. We look forward to sharing the Good News together.
Tuesdays, 2:30-4pm- St. John’s Pastoral Centre or Thursdays, 7:30-9pm- Sacred Heart Convent, Cedar Lodge (Newtown Rd.)
Queries: Sr. Kathryn 087 404 2784.
World Mission Sunday – Sunday 23rd October
World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal for spiritual and financial support so that the life-giving work of overseas mission and missionaries can continue. It always falls on the second last Sunday in October, and like the Good Friday collection for the Holy Land and Peter’s Pence, it is one of three yearly universal Church collections.
World Mission Sunday collections take place in every single parish where the Church is present. This includes not only Ireland and Europe, but also in poorer parishes in developing countries. It is a moment of universal solidarity when each member of the Church family, regardless of location or background, play their part in supporting each other. This is what makes it such a special celebration.
More information and resources are available on www.missio.ie
Family Day
Holy Family Mission, Glencomeragh House, Kilsheelan, Co. Tipperary
Family Day
Sunday 6th November, 10am – 3pm.
Prayer, Talk, Mass, Music, Fun and Games for all the Family!
All Saints Costume Party.
Bring a packed lunch!
Booking is essential: email info@holyfamilymission.ie
Meeting for Youth and Adults.
This is my Beloved son: Listen to him.
Wednesdays & Sundays at 7.30pm.
Starting on 16th Oct. Location X91 EY92 (beside St Paul’s National Primary School).
If you feel oppressed, if you are suffering, the Lord is coming to free you. Come and listen!
AFCM Ireland
Invites you to
“Family tree healing”
Holy Rosary Word of God Deliverance Adoration Family tree Mass St.Patricks Church, Waterford 29th October 2022 from 2.30-4.30pm.
Led by Fr Bobit Thomas
Taize Vigil
Taize Vigil for Peace as part of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations in St Paul’s Parish.
Led by The Peace Choir and Friends in solidarity with the people of UKRAINE
Antique Auction
by R J Keighery
Tramore Golf Club
Thursday 20th Oct at 7pm
In aid of Tramore Arch Club and Tramore Community Care.
Over 150 lots of interesting items to be sold.
Viewing online at: www.antiquesireland.ie from Oct 10th or at Tramore Golf Club 19/20 Oct
Coffee Morning will also be held on the 19th October from 10-12noon. All are welcome
Evening of Prayer & Fellowship for women aged 18-50 on the first Monday of every month at Holy Family Mission. Rosary @7.30pm, Mass @ 8.00pm followed by tea/coffee and lots of chat! For more info contact Shauna (087) 1378364.
Parish Office
The Parish office is now open to the public with entry restricted. Please knock on the door and we will be happy to help you.
Next week opening times:
Mon to Thursday : 9.30am-4pm
Friday 9.30am – 3.30pm
The Parish Office will be closed in the afternoons from Sept 26th – Oct 7th
The Mass booking in Holy Cross has changed from 6 months in advance to 3 months.
The Mass book for January 2023 is now open
Baptism Booking
Please contact the office for further details 051-386477
Wedding- Church Booking
Please contact the office 051-386477
Recent Deaths
Please remember those who died recently, Alan Lynch, Carrigeenlea, Patrick McDonald, Roselawn
We remember the months mind for Maureen Corcoran, David Evans
We pray for Thomas Kiely, Kitty Galvin, Margaret Hickey, Feargal Ó Cuilinn
whose anniversaries occur about this time.
Prayers for Creeslough
The Diocese of Waterford & Lismore offer heartfelt prayers for all those who died tragically in the Creeslough explosion and all those who are bereaved. May the deceased rest in peace and may those who have lost loved ones, find consolation at this difficult time.
This is a great tragedy and dark days for all. Words fall short to express how we feel.
We pray for those who mourn, immerse them in your love and lead them through this darkness into your arms and light.
For those who comfort, be in both the words they use and all that’s left unspoken;
Fill each heart with love.
Reflection for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
People with Backbone
We like people with backbone, the courage of their convictions; who follow through on what they say they will do, who are not wishy-washy. Jesus was like that.
He feels a fire in his heart, in his belly and he wants it to be lit. The fire is the fire of justice – wanting the justice this widow was due. The job of the judge at that time was to care for the widow and orphan, the neglected ones of society. She had a right to his assistance.
What he stands for, the church stands for, even with opposition. This is a culture which supports life at all stages; which speaks out against any injustice; which supports love and wants to encourage relationships of real and genuine love. Its views on sexuality and sexual relationships will mirror that, in a world where sex can be casually viewed and used. The Church supports the elderly, and a culture of sharing rather than accumulation of wealth; works and supports peace in the world; and joins the fire of Jesus to bring the reign of God alive in the world.
The fire of Jesus is the fire of love, compassion and justice – three core values of the Christian and the Church. We need to keep all that alive and not get caught up in administration and buildings, even overriding regrets about the past.
Can we hope that we can be a Church that fulfils and makes alive the best of the fire of Jesus? He ‘has come to bring fire to the earth’ and wants it to be kindled.
Lord, may your kingdom come.
Donal Neary SJ