Newsletter 24 January-2021

What in this weeks newsletter?

  • Farewell to the Sisters of Charity Part 2
  • Prayers for Vocations
  • Catholic schools week
  • Recent deaths  and anniversaries in our parish
  • Sunday of the Word of God
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Holy Cross Church Mass Times

Because of the re-imposition of the government restrictions, there will be no public masses in any of our churches until further notice.
The only exceptions are funerals and weddings, where there is only limited congregation allowed.

Masses will be streamed from Holy Cross church each week day at 10.00am, Sundays and Holy days at 10.30am.

Visit the parish website Click on “Live Stream” on the homepage when the services are on.

For anyone who does not have access to online services:

Tramore Parish Radio Services are broadcast From Holy Cross Church, Tramore at from Monday to Sat and 10.30am on Sunday on your radio 105.4FM

The Church will be open for private prayer on Mon to Sat: 11.00am-4pm (except Thurs 11.00am -5pm)
Sunday: 11.30am-4pm.



Prayer for Vocations

For an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life and for a deeper gratitude for the priests and religious now serving our diocese, we pray to the Lord.

“The Kingdom of God is at hand.”
Is the Lord calling you to lead others to His Kingdom as a priest or consecrated religious?  Speak to your local priest or your Diocesan Vocation’s Director, or email the National Vocations Office on


Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week 2021 will be celebrated from Sunday 24 January to Sunday 31 January 2021 on the theme ‘Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith and Resilience’.

Sunday of the Word of God 2021:

In his Apostolic Letter of 30 September 2019, ‘Aperuit illis’ Pope Francis established that the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is to be the Sunday of the Word of God.
For full script please visit:

Parish Office

 The Parish office is closed to the public due to Government Covid 19 restrictions but you may ring the office between 9.30 am-1pm Monday to Friday for any inquiries. Contact : 051-386477


Mass Bookings

Mass Booking for the months of April, May & June have not opened due to the lockdown.
No booking will take place until further notice and when the restrictions are lifted


Recent Deaths

Please remember those who died recently, Larry Hogan

We remember the months mind for Kay Murphy (née Crowley),Larry Kelly, Eileen Hogan

We pray for Bridie & Paddy Burns, Pat & Patti Doyle, Kitty & Andy Webster, Paddy Costello, David McCarthy, Robin Curran, Mary Curtin (1st Anniversary),Lil & Jack O’Brien & Family, Tom Murray, Josephine & James Carey, Anne Keoghan, Tom Pat & John Keoghan whose anniversaries occur about this time.

Farewell to the Sisters of Charity

Two weeks ago we formally bade farewell to the Sisters of Charity, who have lived and served among the people of Tramore since 1866. Bishop Cullinan celebrated Mass on Friday 8th January, which had the departing sisters in attendance and was watched on live-streaming by many in Tramore and beyond. In the Mass, Bishop Cullinan gave thanks for the immense contribution by the sisters to the parish of Tramore, and excerpts of his homily are given below. This is the second (concluding) part of his homily at that Mass.

The Sisters of Charity here in Tramore did not confine their ministry to the classroom. Their work was woven into the very fabric of the life of this town and this Diocese. In Waterford city they not only visited the sick and poor but provided free education, set up a laundry, an orphanage, and pre-school facilities. For children with special needs, later established care of the aged services, meals on wheels and a social service centre.
In 1845 the sisters set up primary and secondary schools in and a residential domestic science college in Clonmel and then in 1866 through the generosity of a William Carroll established the school here in Tramore. We send greetings to the current principal of the incarnation of the Sisters’ school today – Glór na Mara – to Mr. Pat O’Mahoney and all his staff and the board of management and maybe to the children tuning in also.
People who were overwhelmed by troubles of one kind or another approached the Sisters for prayers and for help and were enormously comforted and strengthened by their visits. Here in the parish they have been involved in so many areas with various committees in different ministries -the setting up prayer groups, (I believe Elvis [i.e. Rocky Mills] showed up on occasion!), they formed sodalities, visited the sick, comforted the bereaved and helped with funeral liturgies, provided material and spiritual support to families and individuals and encouraged pro-life work and pioneer groups here and in the city.
Today many people ask if it is even possible to have commitment. People who “hang loose” and “take life easy” see commitment as particularly difficult, if not impossible. By contrast, by their lives, the Sisters have not only shown great commitment but have shown the fruit of Christian witness. The Sisters will be enormously missed and I know that I am echoing the sentiments of the whole community when I say this. Here in Tramore the Sisters were committed to the development of the people of the area. When you work for the betterment of the world and human society in such a way, you are promoting the Kingdom of God and become living witnesses to God’s unchanging love.
They inspired others but were first inspired themselves by that same thing which Mary Aikenhead had burned into her mind and heart in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s – the faces of the poor and sick calling for help and love and care and affection, something which prompted her to found under the encouragement of Dr. Murray, Archbishop of Dublin, the Religious Sisters of Charity in 1815.
The fire which burned in the heart and mind of Mary Aikenhead is a reflection of the sentiments of the Lord Himself in the Gospel chosen by the Sisters for today:
“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
In that spirit, the Sisters were mother figures to so many, trying to keep the lamp of love and faith burning brightly as they served God and the people of God unceasingly.
There have been many elements of change in their lives, in society and in the community to which they ministered during those years. And now they are called to embrace more change and sadly move from here. I pray that your faith which enabled your work to begin and flourish here will be your mainstay for the future. As St. Paul says in his letter to the Ephesians read today, Faith is the pledge of our inheritance toward redemption as God’s own people, to the praise of his glory.
When the history of the Sisters comes to be written I feel confident that the enormous good done by them and done quietly, secretly, unselfishly, generously and constantly, by so many devoted and dedicated Religious Sisters of Charity will be highlighted.
On behalf of the people of this Diocese and of his parish I say a deeply felt and sincere ‘Thank You’ to the Sisters. We thank you for the wonderful grace of your presence for 179 years in the Diocese and in this town and parish of Tramore for 155 years. We thank God for the families of the Sisters who inspired their vocations and we thank God for all those whose lives were touched, healed and enriched by your presence, your prayer, your concern and care. Tramore and this Diocese will be the poorer for your going, but the richer for your having been here, the poorer for losing you but the richer for what you have given us. May God reward you for your goodness and may he abundantly shower his blessings on you in the future.
May Mary of the Angels, Our Lady Star of the Sea guide you all and all of us. Amen.