Newsletter 29th September 2019

Alpha Programme

The Alpha Programme commenced last week and proved to be a great success. We would like to welcome all who attended. There are some places still available. Please feel free to drop in to O’Neill’s on Wednesday evening at 7pm.
All welcome.

Positive Ageing Week in Tramore

Positive Ageing Week in Tramore Waterford Older People’s Council is hosting a number of events in Tramore for Positive Ageing Week. Join them for an interactive talk on storytelling with Ray McGrath at Tramore library on Monday September 30 at 11am. On Thursday October 3 there’s a free guided tour
of Lafcadio Hearn Gardens at 2pm. Pre-book on 089 4525414. At the library on Friday, October 4 at 3pm there is a talk on Educational Opportunities for Older People.

Rosary for Life, Faith and Love

Join in with thousands of people all around Ireland, as we gather on our coasts, near rivers, in our churches, at grottos etc. to pray the Rosary for Life, Faith and Love on Sunday October 13th at 2.30pm.
We will gather on the Lower Prom, Tramore on that day at 2.30pm, at the stone Sea Horse monument. All are welcome.