Returning to Mass
Dear Parishioners,
It is with grateful hearts that public weekday Masses have resumed from Monday 29th June in our parishes. Here is some helpful information that will help you to adjust to the new procedures we have in place to ensure people are safe:
- Attendance at Mass will feel quite different. Your understanding and co-operation will not only be welcome but necessary. Care has been taken to ensure a safe environment. When entering, you are asked to follow the signage regarding distancing, hand hygiene, minimum touching of surfaces, etc.
- Come early. Expect a queue (and inclement weather sometimes). Follow steward/usher instructions. To comply with social distancing instructions, every second pew is closed. The open pews have two ticks/correction marks, indicating where one person may sit. A single household may all sit together in a pew close to the same tick.
- Priests and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will wear face masks when distributing Holy Communion.
- In Tramore, entry and exit will be by the Summerhill door only during weekdays.
Please have patience especially when receiving Holy Communion, and exiting the Church. This will take a little extra time.
- For Holy Communion, all people are to come forward up the central aisle, and down the two side aisles. This includes people sitting in the side aisles. Please follow the yellow arrows. In Dunhill, Fenor and Carbally, people will be asked to come forward to receive, one pew at a time.
- According to the Bishops of Ireland’s Covid-19 response, Holy Communion with be distributed for now on the hand only.
- Our parish radio (105.4fm) continues to broadcast our Mass each day for people in vulnerable categories and those nervous of being amongst others. It has been an important means of keeping us connected.
- For Parish Offerings/Envelopes, a collection box will be available near the doors during all weekend Masses. Offerings may also be handed into the parish office or to any priest. We thank you sincerely for your contribution, which goes towards the upkeep of our church. You might also return your Trócaire boxes, if you still have them to hand.
- Toilet Facilities are closed in the churches for the time being as virus control cannot be assured.
I appreciate there is both sacrifice and flexibility required on all our parts as we move forward through these evolving and uncertain times. I wish to thank all our parish volunteers in Tramore, Carbally, Dunhill and Fenor who have worked hard to make our re-opening possible and safe. Our overriding objective is to enable the members of our faith community receive God’s mercy in confession and encounter Jesus in Word and Sacrament at Mass. Above all, we heartily welcome you back to God’s house, and to the place where we all belong as members of the Church, the Body of Christ.
Mgr. Nicholas O’Mahony PP.