Newsletter June 28th 2020

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Our Churches will re-open on June 29th.

Please read the Framework document for a return to the public celebration of Mass and the Sacraments on the Diocesan website:

  •  Holy Cross Church will open for 10.00am Mass from Monday June 29th.
  • We kindly ask all parishioners please follow the directions of the stewards so we all can return to worship in a safe way.
  • Please observe Social Distance, Cough Etiquette and Hand Hygiene.

Volunteers Urgently Required

In order to safely re-open our Church and to comply with the government regulations, we are looking for volunteers to help with stewarding at the Masses. We thank those who have volunteered but we would be grateful for a few more. Please contact any of the priests or contact the Parish Office 051-386477.

Click Here for More Details

Parish Office

The Parish Office will re- open to the public on Monday 29th June. We look forward to welcoming you all back. We would kindly ask for your patience as we return to business which will be different to what we were all used to.

Please observe Social Distance, Cough Etiquette and Hand Hygiene. Only 1 person at a time to enter the office.

If anyone wishes to collect their weekly contribution box of envelopes or return envelopes or Trócaire boxes we will be happy to receive them from that date forward.

At the weekend Masses on 4th/5th July the office will be open for you to collect your new envelopes after the Masses. Please have your current number with you.

Recent Deaths

Please remember those who died recently, John (Doc) Dalton , Marian Tce and Martin (Sonny) O’Meara, Moonvoy Valley.

We remember the months mind for  Cliodhna Dillon , Ann Leahy , Stephen Raine & Kathleen Baldwin.

We pray for Margaret Fitzgerald, Des Healy, Karen Murphy, Patrick Doran, Tom & Lily Martin, Patricia Dreelan, Edward & Kitty McGrath, Maura Arnold, Patrick & Mary Morrissey, George Chambers, Olivia Fitzgerald Walsh, Kitty & Eddie Mooney, Christopher & Breda Delaney and Sean Kelly whose anniversaries occur about this time.

13th Sunday In Ordinary Time

The simple cup of water 

The examples are stark in the gospel today: about not preferring mother and father to Jesus; about how, in our care for others, we care for Jesus, and how, in our neglect of others, we neglect him. We need to go beyond the practical example to finding out what is central in our lives and how we see God as central. When God is central, our love can be in the smallest of services to people, like ‘the cup of cold water’.
Jesus is not central outside our humanity, and our human relationships. In the real needs of ordinary people we meet his needs. We give the ‘cup of cold water’ to the person who needs it, not just to Jesus. It’s like many stories in the gospel of Jesus helping those in real need. This is the central point of faith.
We help in simple ways.
This is what Pope Francis refers to in his encouragement of simple love:
like the warm supper we look forward to at night, the early lunch awaiting someone who gets up early to go to work. Homely gestures. Like a blessing before we go to bed, or a hug after we return from a hard day’s work. Love is shown by little things, by attention to small daily signs which make us feel at home. Faith grows when it is lived and shaped by love’ (September 2015).
Recall a time when someone helped you in a small way.
Be grateful. Offer yourself to do the same when you can.
Make me, O Lord, a channel of your peace and love when I see the needs of others. 
Fr Donal Neary, S.J